Cedric Richter


Researcher at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg


I am a researcher and PhD student in computer science at Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg, Germany from fall 2019 to spring 2025 (expected). I am part of the Formal Methods group, and I am supervised by Heike Wehrheim. My research focuses on building intelligent systems for finding bugs and for ensuring the correctness of code.

I am currently on the academic job market, applying to PostDoc positions in fields related to AI4SE, Software Engineering and Formal Verification. Please take a look at my CV.


Software Developers make mistakes. They are often simple, easy to fix and largely overlooked. My research goal is to find out why these simple mistakes happen and how we can help software developers avoid them. I believe that intelligent systems that can learn from developer mistakes play a key role in achieving this goal.

My research work focuses on three aspects towards achieving this goal: 1. Investigating models that learn to detect bugs from previous developer mistakes (e.g. ICST’22, ASE’22, ASE’23), including RealiT, an effective neural bug detector for detecting and fixing simple mistakes,. 2. Finding new ways to adapt and combine verification tools that can automatically prove the absence or presence of bugs (e.g. TACAS’19, ASE’20, journalASE’20, FASE’22, TACAS’24), including PeSCo-CPA and BubaaK-SpLit, two software verifiers that achieved the third place in the ReachSafety category of SV-COMP’19 and the second place in the SoftwareSystems category of SV-COMP’24 respectively. 3. Cooperation between intelligent learning-based systems and formal verification techniques (e.g. FASE’24).


Email & General Info: See my university site

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